About the Executive




Honours Math and Stats III

MacSphere Coordinator


Reasons to Contact Me

1. You have suggestions, ideas for any of the content we share.
You want to get featured and collaborate.
Want to talk about Bollywood or pasta.

Least Favourite Colour

If I had to choose it would be this.


About Me

Hi everyone! This is my first time on the MSS and I am very excited to be a part of this wonderful team and create amazing content for our social media. I am usually around Hamilton Hall but will be around with 2 other co-ordinators talking to all of you for our videos and graphics; simply cannot wait to say hi in fall and get started.


1. Connect to even more students and professors by involving them in videos.
2. Share content that is entertaining and informative more regularly.
3. Create content in varied forms that is more accessible and inclusive.


1. Creating about 2-3 posts a month covering active subjects in faculty of science and MSS.
2. Promote equity, diversity and inclusion.
3. Involve all the departments by sharing updates and involving students and faculty.