About the Executive




Honours Physics III

Vice President Student Affairs


Reasons to Contact Me

1. You have ideas on new events you would like to see, or feedback on pre-existing ones!
You have suggestions for how we can make our events more accessible and inclusive!
You want to exchange cute pet photos!


Least Favourite Colour

An uncomfortable shade of green.

About Me

Hi MacSci!! My name is Ava and I am so excited to be returning to the MSS this year as the VP Student Affairs. This is my second year on MSS, and I am so excited to plan some amazing events for you all this year! You will most likely find me at Thode studying away, at Chopped Leaf trying to use up the rest of my meal plan, or in PG studying with my friends! My priorities this year are to ensure engaging, inclusive, accessible and diverse events, to cater towards the larger MacSci community, and to optimize the student feedback process after each event to ensure the success of events to come. I am looking forward to working with my team to bring you all a revamped version of the events you know and love. I look forward to hopefully meeting you at our events this year!


1. Revamp pre-existing events and bring back pre-pandemic events that were previously limited.
Optimize the student feedback process after each event to ensure the success of events to come.
Ensure engaging, inclusive, accessible and diverse events, to cater towards the larger MacSci community.


1. Reintroduce "The Hunt."
Introduce a Loyalty card initiative to reward science students/provide an incentive for coming to our events!
Introduce Sub-society science socials in the newly renovated lounge!