About the Executive




Honours Life Sciences IV

Vice President External


Reasons to Contact Me

1. External Event Collaborations
Sponsorship Queries
Want to have a lively discussion and exchange fun facts about The Beatles, the greatest band in music history!

Least Favourite Colour

Miami Dolphins Aqua.


About Me

Hey there, marauders! Giuliano Serafino here, your friendly neighborhood VP External for this year's MSS 2023-2024 team! I'm currently in my fourth year of honors life science at McMaster University and have also been an active member of the McMaster Science Society (MSS) for the past three years! The MSS has become like a second home to me, a place where I can truly embrace my love for science and connect with fellow enthusiasts. The sense of community, the exhilarating events, and the opportunities for personal growth have kept me coming back year after year. I'm grateful to be a part of this incredible society that fuels my curiosity, inspires me, and allows me to make lifelong friendships. Being involved with the MSS has been an absolute joy, and I can't wait to contribute even more as this year's VP External!


1. Expand our network of industry professionals, researchers, and science-related institutions for potential partnerships and opportunities.
2. Establish partnerships with prominent companies and organizations to offer exclusive deals and discounts on the MSS Card.
3. Secure renowned keynote speakers and expert panelists at Quantum Leap.


1. Revitalizing the MSS Monthly Newsletter
2. Develop and expand our network of strategic partnerships with companies that offer direct and tangible benefits to the student body
3. Develop and implement initiatives to enhance engagement and connection with Faculty of Science alumni, fostering a lifelong relationship with the society.