About the Executive




Honours Biology Core III

Volunteer and Research Coordinator


Reasons to Contact Me

1. You want to get involved in research on campus but don't know who to contact or what opportunities are available to you
2. You'd like to know more about what a career in research can do for you and the many ways you can pursue it
3. You'd like to discuss anything plant-related - show me your plants!!! 🌱


Least Favourite Colour

Sulfuric Yellow

About Me

Hello McMaster Science, my name is Jonathan and I'm your Volunteer and Research Coordinator for the 2023-2024 academic year! I've always been intrigued by research since my first year of university and I look forward to talking about it more with other students, faculty, and staff. This is my first time being on the MSS, but I'm willing to give it my all and share the resources and opportunities available to everyone who wishes to pursue them. While I'm on campus, you'll likely find me at the biology greenhouse tending to some plants, or in the Health Sciences Library's basement, surrounded by my favourite types of books.


1. Help students to gain career-building research and volunteering opportunities, while making valuable connections in science
2. Connect students to the wonderful researchers at our university through workshops and networking events
3. Promote the value in research and highlight how academia or industry research settings contribute to push the boundaries of science


1. Host Symbiosis to connect students with researchers and their organizations, and teach students how to get involved in lab settings and volunteer positions
2. Research 1A03 Workshop to teach students practical career skills from the SCCE and how to get involved in research on or off campus
3. Research/Career spotlight - highlight a researcher and their work each month, along with a synopsis of the researcher's career path and the steps involved