About the Executive




Honours Biology IV

Upper Year Mentorship Coordinator


Reasons to Contact Me

1. Curious about joining the upper-year mentorship as a post-graduate mentor
An upper-year student who would like to be mentored and how they can do this
Why Pizza is the only right food in the world


Least Favourite Colour

Dark khaki.

About Me

Hey MacSci, my name is Jeel Patel and I am in the Bio Core program. I am excited to be your first upper-year mentorship coordinator and I can't wait to see what we have planned for the 2023-24 school year. I look forward to working with the MSS in providing help for upper-year mentees with the correct resources in ensuring we make the best of the final years of their undergrad memorable. I will be overseeing the upper-year mentorship program and any questions/concerns you may have. Outside of the the MSS, you will find me playing my favourite sports, badminton or basketball during drop-ins, but I enjoy playing just about any sport except for maybe frisbee. If I am not playing sports, you will find me studying in HSL or buying pizza from La Pizza (I love pizza and my goal is to try pizza from everywhere). I enjoy going for nature walks, riding my bike and would say my favourite show is definitely The 100. Oh and I am allergic to mangoes, and yes they taste amazing, I have had them before.


1. Hosting meaningful and memorable events that mentees and mentors look forward to
2. Creating a platform that gives mentees the opportunity to receive supports from various other mentors about specific knowledge based questions


1. Career Development Workshops
Creating a platform where mentees are able to reach out and ask mentors about specific questions
Industry Panel Discussion to discuss various fields