About the Executive




Honours Life Sciences IV

Sustainability Officer


Reasons to Contact Me

1. Feedback on ways mss can incorporate more sustainability practices with our events
Know of or are apart of environment/sustainability focused stores in Hamilton
Suggestions for any new restaurants that are slay :)


Least Favourite Colour

About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Gagan and I am delighted to be the 2023-2024 sustainability officer for MacSci. I am super excited for all the events we will be hosting this year while working with everyone to ensure we're following sustainability practices. Beyond MSS, I absolutely love hiking, trying new foods and just spending time with family and friends. On campus, you will most likely find me working out at the Pulse or studying at the Health Science library, so never hesitate to say hi if you see me around:)I look forward to meeting you at our events this year and feel free to reach out anytime!


1. Ensure sustainable practices are being implemented during the planning of events (collaborating with other portfolios)
Sustain feedback following events regarding ways in which we mitigate potential wastage at events and other areas of improvement
Create connections with environment/sustainability focused stores in Hamilton to use their services/resources


1. Finish renovation of science lounge while ensuring sustainability is at the forefront
Potential to collaborate with organizations outside of McMaster focused on the environment/sustainability
Working with portfolios for all events especially the Musical for sustainability purposes