About the Executive




Honours Integrated Science III

Quantum Leap Coordinator


Reasons to Contact Me

1. You are looking to learn about some really cool unconventional careers in science!
2. You have questions about or ideas you would like to see at the Quantum Leap Conference!
3. You need practical ways to actually reach your daily intake of water


Least Favourite Colour

Red-brown that can't decide if it is red or brown.

About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Cassidy West and I am the Quantum Leap Coordinator for the 2023-2024 school year! This is my first year on the MSS and I am very excited to plan some amazing workshops and the Quantum Leap Conference for you all. You can most likely find me studying on the third floor of thode in the iStudy. When I’m not studying, you can find me going for hikes in Cootes. I am looking forward to meeting you all this year at our workshops and events!


1. Increase promotion of the Quantum Leap Conference and showcase unconventional careers in science
Host relevant and useful workshops (CV/resume, skill building, etc)
Gather feedback from the conference and use it to improve the conference in future years


1. Plan and host the Quantum Leap Conference
Use social media initiatives to boost awareness about unconventional careers in science