About the Executive




Honours Life Sciences III

Internal Financial Officer


Reasons to Contact Me

1. If you have any questions about MSS Finances (budget, monthly reports, etc.)
If you have general questions about finance (spending habits, budgeting in university, etc.)
If you need any movie/show recommendations!

Least Favourite Colour

Why is this a colour? I can't think of a single reason why anyone would ever want to use this colour.

About Me

Hey everyone!! My name is Kavya Surendran and I am going into my third year of Honours Life Sciences. I’m very excited to be part of the team again this year and can't wait for all the amazing events the MSS has planned for this year! You'll likely find me scouting for the perfect study spot (last year my go-to spot was the MUSC cubicles) OR being reluctantly dragged to the gym by my wonderful friends. If you see me around please don't be afraid to say hi! I do sometimes have tunnel vision and look like I'm mad at the world 24/7, but I swear it's ONLY my face deep in thought :)


1. Publishing Monthly Finance Reports
Ensuring Financial Accessibility and Transparency for Our Students
Working with the VP Finance to ensure finances are maintained and organized


1. Publishing Monthly Financial Reports
Enhancing Financial Awareness and Engagement through Social Media Platforms
Collaborating with the VP of Finance to Implement Effective Financial Organization Strategies