About the Executive




Honours PNB III

Graphic Designer


Reasons to Contact Me

1. You have any questions about how to use Canva, BioRender, Procreate, or Affinity Design
2. You have feedback or suggestions on how to ameliorate the current MSS brand
3. You know of a place that sells better tomato soup than the Burnt Tongue (is it even possible???)

Least Favourite Colour

This shade of magenta.


About Me

Hello! My name is Aeris and I’m so excited to return to the MSS this year as one of the graphic designers. If you ever need to find me on campus, I'll probably be at HSL, playing Tetris on my laptop, or at LR Wilson, bothering my friends who are trying to study #oops. Besides graphic design, I also love to read, try new restaurants, and watch claymation movies! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or just want to chat :p


1. Design graphics that are visually appealing and easy to understand
2. Apply the new portfolio-specific colour palettes in my graphics
3. Render graphic design more accessible for all!


1. Host a novel graphic design workshop along with my fellow graphic designers!
2. Release new MSS merchandise and stickers for sale to McMaster students
3. Update the MSS Brand Manual