About the Executive




Honours PNB II

Equity & Inclusion Officer


Reasons to Contact Me

1. To know more about the EDI policies/practices in place within the MSS
To address any concerns surrounding inclusion or equity at an MSS event, or the MSS in general.
To discuss why gold jewelry is better than silver.

Least Favourite Colour

I don't have a least favorite :)

About Me

Hello everyone! I'm Elisabeth, and I'm getting ready to head into my second year in Honours PNB. I am so excited to support the MSS through my role as Equity Inclusion Officer. I have always been passionate about advocacy, and ensuring that the voices of marginalized groups are acknowledged. I am eager to begin working with the MSS to uphold and create EDI practices.
You can usually find me on campus studying in PG, feel free to come and say hi!


1. Solidify and incorporate new EDI policies for all members of the MSS
Maintain the BIPOC awareness posts on MSS social media
Update and continue promotion for BIPOC support services within MSS


1. Plan and facilitate EDI training day for MSS executives
Collaborate with other organizations on campus to spotlight BIPOC in science on social media platforms
Update BIPOC support page