About the Executive




Biomedical Discovery and Commercialization IV

Chief Returning Officer


Reasons to Contact Me

1. You're interested in running an election for your sub-society
2. Curious about any topic surrounding elections, including joining our fabulous team
3. To try to convince me that LeBron is not the GOAT

Least Favourite Colour

A super dark and deep orange that doesn't know whether it’s orange/brown.

About Me

Hello to whoever is reading this:) This is my second time as the CRO! What I am most excited about is the opportunity to meet new people and be apart of the schools largest society. You're most likely to find me at home or the gym, I usually do not stick around campus for too long because I feel like I waste time (which I hate). Some interesting things about me is I have horrible FOMO which is very conflicting with my hate for wasting time and I also did a co-op in Saskatoon.


1. Improve election turnout
Leave good infrastructure for future CROs to build on
Ensure all sub-society elections are carried out with integrity


1. Create standardized election forms for sub-socities to increase clarity and accessibility
Revise elections policy with the help of the PBO
Aid and advise on current renovations and improvements to the MSS lounge