About the Executive




Chemical Biology IV

Athletics and Wellness Director


Reasons to Contact Me

1. You're interested in attending an upcoming athletics & wellness event and would like to know more details.
2. You're looking for resources and/or have any questions related to physical and mental well-being.
3. You have a pet and have cute pictures that you're dying to show someone (I am always on board to be that person).


Least Favourite Colour

Dark yellow.

About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Abby Nulle and I'm super excited to be your Athletics and Wellness Director this year. This is my first year on the MSS and I am absolutely overjoyed to be taking on a larger role within our faculty, especially since athletics and wellness always played such a large role in my life growing up. As the Athletics and Wellness Director, I am looking forward to planning diverse, fun events that everyone can enjoy as well as hiring a team of people who are passionate about prioritizing your physical and mental wellbeing. If you'd ever like to find me, I will most likely be by the windows in Thode, soaking up the sunshine and listening to a bumping playlist.


1. Work with other members of the portfolio & MSS to create unique events that appeal to a larger audience.
2. Continue the promotion of physical and mental well-being through social media.
3. Encourage more student engagement through polls and feedback forms on which events they would like to see.


1. Introduce the "Study, Move & Mindfulness Project" to promote healthy habits throughout the school year.
2. Hold a large scale sports tournament (ie soccer, dodgeball or spike ball).
3. Continue biweekly Wellness Wednesday posts.